It was a 2.5 hour drive total, with some hefty toll prices - 15 Euros! The country side actually looked like some parts of California, dry bushes with jagged rocks. We got in to Marseille and got completely lost trying to find the hotel. We think we figured out the problem: Google directions give insane detail and roads here don't have signs. Also, I think the directions stink. But we found the hotel just before they closed the road for the Tour, so that worked out really well.
The hotel is pretty sweet, it's actually a long term residence hotel so we have a living room, separa

There was a 12 man break away that was whittled down to 5 with about 30 km left and it came down to them speeding past us at 55kph+ at the 150m to go mark. A Frenchman won, so everyone was happy. Our boy Jens Voigt of team CSC finished last of the 5, but we still like him. Unfortunately, when I tried to snap a picture of the peloton when they zoomed by 10 minutes later, I pressed the off button instead of the picture button. By the time I turned it back on, the peloton had already passed so I just got shots of a few stragglers.
We went to check out the team buses again, but they had pretty much packed up with only a few menacing Russians outside the Discovery bus. Not Maxim the silent killer menacing,

Tonight we headed to downtown Marseille (the harbor area), but I don't have anything nice to say so I won't say anything at all. Tomorrow we head up to the French Alps to get ready for our ride up the famous l'Alpe D'Huez on Friday.
Go CSC!!! International representation! Hey are you using your Rebel?
I think I'd be really upset if that camera got stolen plus we're traveling super light-- one carry on backpack each so we didn't have space :(
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