Today we set off to see Waimea Canyon (the Grand Canyon of the Pacific). It is on the west side of the island which isn't too far from where we are staying. We drove to the top of the canyon which was only about 4000 ft above sea level but had amazing views. Tom would have liked to try riding his bike up, but April was happy that our bikes are safe and sound back in Santa Monica. There were several lookout points along the way to the top. The first few looked out of Waimea Canyon towards the middle of the island and

a beautiful waterfall, but the last stop was definitely the best. The view looked down a canyon on the most western part of the island that went down to the ocean. The sheer drop from the green canyon walls was unbelievable. We could also see clouds forming and then dissipating at the top of the ridge.
With all these great views, April's favorite part of the trip was much more simple - a family of goats and more chickens. As we looked out over Waimea Canyon, a family of goats walked by us along the cliff walls. They ended up coming over to the parking lot where April chased them around trying to feed them grass. These goats were pretty wary of her intentions and wouldn't let her g

et anywhere near them. Of course, this was after she spent about 10 minutes video taping an enormous brood of chickens. We're not sure what this one rooster had been eating but he's probably been using HGH and hitting the weights pretty hard.
After the trip to the canyon, we went snorkeling again with less than stellar results, visited a local blow hole, watched turtles play in the surf, and walked on a quiet beach in front of some swanky hotel. Despite all these great activities, nothing could erase the disaster that was breakfast this morning (or highlight, depending on your perspective-This

is obviously a Tom comment). Before we set out this morning, April decided to have a second bowl of Honey Bunches of Oats. As she poured bowl 2 she found the prize - A 4 inch long LIVE GECKO. It was definitely one of the loudest screams she's ever made. In the confusion that ensued, somehow the gecko got trapped under a measuring cup. Tom, who is none too fond of pests and lizards, was of no help in the Gecko removal process, so April had to set him free outside. Needless to say, she's done with Honey Bunches of Oats for a while.
Let's hope tomorrow gets off to a better start!